About Pete ASMUS

Pete Asmus is the Visionary Pit Bull of Coast to Coast REIA™. Pete is a Real Estate Investor, Speaker, Mentor, and Host of Investing Coast 2 Coast with Pete Asmus and Ivan Oberon™ broadcasting Mon thru Fri from 10am-11am on Bloomberg Radio, and Author of Force Your Dreams into Reality© . He is looking forward to sharing his dream of "Providing Real Estate Strategies to change your Life, and the Resources and Support to gomakeSOMETHINGhappen!" ~Pete ASMUS
You can also join my Personal Network HERE.
He’s been investing, teaching, and speaking for years, but in reality everything he’s done his entire life gave him the tools to set up and create this Opportunity. After personally training with multiple leaders in the industry that you may have seen on TV, his real estate knowledge is extensive encompassing Mobile Homes, Single Family Homes, Multi-Unit and Commercial, but his Passion is getting you to take action and think differently!
At 15 years old, Pete Asmus was kicked out of his house and had to sleep on top of Alpha Beta. From there he was placed in a group home until he turned 18 and was left to fend for himself again. With nothing and no one to help him, Pete joined the Navy to begin making a life for himself. In the Navy, Pete quickly acquired many skills including responsibility and strong leadership skills.
His first job was for a health club where he also learned more about personal training and began helping others improve their training regimens. This is where he discovered his love and talent for helping motivate and encourage others. 
When Pete's son developed brain cancer at 5 years old, it was the beginning of a downward spiral that resulted in his losing everything. Missing work to be with his son meant there was no income coming in and he quickly realized he needed to find another way to support his family so he never encountered that situation again.
Pete began investing in Real Estate and soon found the success he needed to support his family.  When his Real Estate Mentor realized what Pete was doing, he asked if Pete would like to help guide students and make a difference in a much larger way. Pete, of course, was very excited to help change the lives of those students who wanted more out of life.
Pete’s personally trained 100’s of students for these Guru’s, the network he created through this is incredible.  “For too long I have been able to teach, but not participate with the students.  So, I createdCoast to Coast REIA, to allow all the people I’ve come into contact with over the last 7+ years to find a place to network and create opportunities all around the country.”-Pete Asmus
Pete also just finished his book, Force Your Dreams into Reality© on that subject and is now working on his second book Questions are the KEY Unlock Your Reality©. Give him a chance and he will show you how to navigate your life and the real estate markets, while gaining and sustaining your financial freedom. He also started a few projects to help you and your communities.  One a community outreach program called “#F3Project” standing for Flipping For the Future, and two gomakeSOMETHINGhappen.com a website and cause focused on keeping you on track towards your daily, yearly and LIFE goals. Check it out today!

“We don’t want to have students or followers, we want to Inspire people to be Leaders and Teachers! ”-Pete Asmus